Thursday, May 10, 2012

little big robot

Here are some images for my Little Big Robot project. I built some characters and buildings and then did a few illustration based off them. 


Illustration inspired by the old Mayfair theater in Baltimore. It was built in 1880 and closed down in 1986. It remains vacant till this day. Here are some sketches and the final piece.

Everybody wants to go to Mayfair

the new yorker

Assignment for illustration class. We have to do a cover for the New Yorker that expresses what happiness means to us. I thought about flying kites as a kid. 


here's some patterns i made. 

fish chief

This piece is for the doppelganger assignment in my digital illustration class. Here are the sketches, color studies and the final illustration.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

little prince

These are the cover and some interior illustrations I did for my digital illustration class of The Little Prince. I'm trying out a cleaner style with pencil lines, flat coloring and texture/screentone. I was able to have more control with the pencil and do more detailed line work.